CHL System Syntropy Framework
The four narrative environments we have previously described, is a diagnosis of where we currently are at a point of systemic crises we call the Anthropocene. Another way to say this is that the dominant cultural contexts are leading to entropy which is the breakdown of the systems that sustain life.
Syntropy on the other hand refers to equilibrium and coherence and the flourishing of systems that are in service of life as a whole.
For example, an entropic frame is nature as a commodity whereas a syntropic frame of nature is as a condition of existence.
The System Syntropy Framework allows us to see the big picture and offers the opportunity to shift narratives towards more life-centric possibilities.
The current moment of transition requires a much greater shift in our consciousness because where we currently are, in our collective evolution is unsustainable.
This shift requires a transformation of the understanding of our world, not merely as interdependent but deeply entangled and animistic.
In order to evolve our cultures we must shift into the fifth narrative environment of interbeing. The Interbeing cultural context creates greater levels of coherence that are in service of life.
We conclude with the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh on the concept of interbeing.
Consider if you want to be or to inter-be.
- Systems Entropy – a system characterised by a lack of order or predictability, gradual decline and chaos.
- Systems Syntropy – a system characterised by energy concentration, order, organization and life.
- An animistic understanding of the world involves the attribution of a living essence or spirit to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena such as weather systems or rivers. Read more on Animism.
- “Interbeing” is a perspective attributed to Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh that recognises how inherently entangled “being” is. It’s more than interdependence and relationality: we are not just interconnected but mutually caused. Watch or read more.